Ever wonder "why" things are getting so bad...

Thursday, January 26, 2012


In light of the incredible increase of laws and abuses in the US, you need to think seriously about where to hide yourself. I know the US is huge but the laws needed to control everything are in place and the people who will mindlessly obey those laws are available. Never mind Nuremberg, "zee peeple vill haf to obey!" The environmentalist movement has successfully managed to create large "human free" zones that will mean you will be arrested if you try to move there. People who are interested in reading this blog will, by definition, not be interested in moving to the big cities. So, moving out to the countryside is probably not a really good option. It may be but I have a suggestion. Look at Chile. I have. And I have moved there. I'm going to be scouting out country property this year with the plan to get there soon. I may even find a large tract of land that needs many people to get together to buy and divide up. Whatever, consider leaving the US. The innumerable laws wrapping you up are much like all the fine thread the Lilliputians used to tie the giant Gulliver down successfully. Any one would be easy to snap but all together they were almost impossible to escape. The same goes for all the laws in the US. There are so many you don't even know what could be used to arrest you. The so-called Patriot Act and the recently enacted NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) give the government unlimited arrest powers over US citizens using the excuse of suspected terrorist activity. If you don't leave soon, you may not be able to at all. Learn about Chile at www.escapeamericanow.blogspot.com . Don't delay. At least make a positive decision instead of landing somewhere by default.

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